
You are Worthy of Good things,you deserve it.

The Major KEY to your better future is

Personal Development

Life is....
life-is a challenge -beat it..
life is a gift-accept it..
life is adventure-dare it..
life is a sorrow-overcome it..
life is a tragedy-face it..
life is a duty-perform it..
life is a game-play it..
life is a mystery -unfold it..
life is a song-sing it..
life is an opportunity-take it..
life is a journey-complete it..
life is a promise-fulfill it..
life is a beauty-praise it..
life is a struggle-fight it..
life is a goal-achieve it..
life is a puzzle -solve it!!

God gives you the ability to think the ability to create things use it to make impact to the world.First nourish your spiritual life seek Him before others and everything will be added to you..He is able to Do exceedingly abundantly and more..

Success: Is a progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

If your goal in life is to be a teacher and you are already a teacher .It is a success
If you want to be a businessman and you are already,you are a success.
If you want to be a good mother,father to your children you are a success.
If you want to become a Chef and you achieve it,that is a success.
And if you want to be a Preacher and you are already on it ,your are successful.
If you want financial freeedom together with time freedom and you work towards it and you got it then you are  a Success.

Not the opinion of others even your parents or any academic degree will determine your Goal and Destination in life, the things you want to achieve and the person you want to be. "It is YOU".

Your conditon right now doesn't determine your destination,it is your DECISION.
Your Reason Why you want it? Have a big reason why you need to Succeed.

Have a GOAL.
Shoot for the Moon and even if you miss it you will land among the stars...
Write it down,have a vision board then post it on the area that you can see it all the time to remind you ALWAYS.
Because you cannot hit a target without a goal.Break it down into small goal,yearly,monthly and weekly goal no matter how big it is.Inch by inch it is a cinch.Focus on daily progress and daily achievement and most of all trust the process and don't be attached to much to the outcome.Don't chase money but embrace the right process be consistent and be so good on doing it and result will come.

Dream Big and Think Big
The dreamers and the thinkers creates impact to the world.
Before, one person is thinking to fly and then boom.!.there's an airplane.
One person think and dream of communicating around the world and then taraa..! there's a cellphone.!
A man dream and think of a light after 10,000 times of failing ..Wooh!there's a light bulb!

To Earn more ..You must Learn more.

You Reap what you Sow...
Nature is neutral if you sow bad you reap bad,if you sow good you reap good.
If you sow mango seeds you reap mango fruit not apple.
You don't say to the soil .like this.I want a crop give me a crop.NO No No..The Soil will response to you .I don't want your need give me some of your SEED. The seed of hardwork,discipline,effort commitment,patience,goal,determination and skills.Then you will reap the fruit of it.

Work Harder on Yourself than you do on your Job.
If you work harder on your Job you can make a living but if you work harder on your self to become valuable on the marketplace you can make a fortune.

Your Philosophy not the economy determines your income.You can have more because you can do more.Life becomes better when you get better.

Turn your Passion into a Profit.
Make sure what you are doing now matter no matter how small it is be sure it generates income.

Pay Yourself  First everytime you earn on a Job or any business everymonth atleast 10%.Then don't save it but invest it on stocks,bonds or any financial intrument that give you higher percentage return.Never spend it.Just commit to continue investing everytime you earn.And study how stock market works.You can invest and trade with your own money.It needs mentors and 10,000 hours of practice and experience and more to be really good at it.It has no limit of earnings only the limit that you do.

Be a giver allocate 10% or more of your profit or earnings on charitable works or to your religious activity.
You are not just working for a living but to make a contribution to your community.The less fortunate the abandoned children the widows and the poorest of poor.It starts with small act.
The feeling or the satisfaction of helping others is priceless.It is the thing that money can't buy.Don't work just for a living.Aspire to make a DIFFIRENCE.!

Do what is Easy and your life will become hard.Do what is hard and your life will become easy.
That's why only 10% succeed in Life.Do what unsuccessful people won't like to do.

Creat great Value to others...then money will follow.Render service to others help other people get what they want.Then you will have what you want.
You don't need to become great for you to get started but you need to get started for you to become great.

Believe in YOURSELF
As you believe so shall it be done to you.From the Bible 

Before, no recorded event from the history that no Man can run a Mile within a 4minute time frame.
And then Roger Banister came along and beat the 4minute mile barrier.And after that 10,000 students and athletes did it also.What change?It is the Belief ,that if one man can do it, they can do it too.!

BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHER flocks together!
Tell me who your freinds are? And I will tell you who you are.
Your income is the average of your ten closest friends income too.
Sorround yourself everyday  with Winners with Successful People that you wanted to be,and eliminate the naysayer or all the people that don't believe in you,the doubter.The dreamstealer,if you want to kill your dreams tell it to small minded person.Never and never share your vision or dream to any.Work towards on it and find same person or even high achiever man or group that believe in you.

Invest in yourself by education
Buy books,attend seminars or webinars or get a personal Mentors for your personal and skill development. "IF you think education is expensive Try Ignorance".
Have a Mind that is open for everything and attached to nothing..

Visualize your self every morning the very moment  after you wake up that you are on the right process creating your dreams and living it already done.And also 5 minute before you sleep do it visualize your self living your goals fulfilled already or listen to audio affirmations you want to happen in your life until you are totally asleep.That is the Theta State of Mind the recording state of the brain. 

24 HOURS PER DAY that time is the equalizer of all human kind successful and unsuccessful people.
Think of it you need to put value on that time to improve your mindset,heart set and skill set.

Control your mind your emotion..for if you are emotional your decision is poor.Remember this,if the emotion is HIGH your intelligence become LOW.

Your Own Brain doesn't want you to succeed in Life,but just to protect you and exist.You are not your own Brain.It is just like a hand.It can go or touch anything but if you control your hands it is very helpful and beneficial to you.Right?You have a higher self that control it all your SPIRIT the commander the higher intellegence inside you.Your brain want you to be always be on your comfort zone.It is your task to outperform your brain by creating new habits by pushing out your self OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE.Overcoming fears,doubt,emotion and past poor habit and create new ones.
Successful people have doubts,fears and worries but they don't just let these stop them.They do it anyway.

You are operating 95% now with your habit mind or the subconcious mind according to expert.From the time of your childhood.You don't even think of brushing your teeth but you did it anyway with ease.Because it is a habit.Typing without looking anymore on the keys of your phone because you develop a muscle memory through repetition.So Guess what ? You can create new habit to succeed in the area that you want.By Repetition,daily and consistent deliverate practice.And daily affirmation and telling your self always that you can.And I have it already.Don't let someones bad opinion of you become your reality.  

Don't watch TV ,NEWS updates or on Social media that don't have any contribution to your daily progress.Your future impact by the videos you watch or don't watch,the people you associate with or  the food you eat or don't eat.

Remember this:If you look for negative things you will find it.If you look for positive things you will find it.If you look for defeats you will find it .And if you look for winning victiories you will. You choose.Winning is also looking for you if you look forward on it. Success and positivity is all around you.You will just look for it and focus on it and eliminate all negativity around.You cannot have a positive Life with a negative mind. 

Thoughts Become Things 
The roots creates the fruits
What is visible came from the invisible 
The invisible force is far more powerful than the visible things
You benefits on air but it is invisible
In electricity but it is invisible
In gravity but it is invisible
In your thoughts or ideas but it is invisible
From the INVISIBLE SPIRIT OF GOD was created all things..
By just His "Words" comes out the Creation of the World.

Genesis 1:3-5
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

"Your words shape your reality"from invisible to visible
Be watchful about what you are always saying everytime and every moment and every day about anything especially about your self.It is an affirmation what will happen to you exactly that you are always paying attention too. That's why always look for good things,good report,positive ideas and focus on wonderful things around you look for good always no matter what the situation. "Be positive in life and positive things will happen to you.

And you don't even study and think of it?

It is a law.The law of polarity positive or negative.Man and woman.Night and Day.Left and right.There is visible and invisible,there are cause and effect.And there is inside and outside.
Your outside world is only the reflection of your inner world.
What you are right now is the outcome of your inner thoughts,emotions and spirituality.
IF you want to change the visible you must first change the invisible.
Humans have 4  phase it is the Spiritual,Emotional,Mental and Physical realm.
And only what you can see or the visible one is the PHYSICAL REALM.The person with a body.
It is affected by the invisible or the inside world which is your spirit,mental and emotional aspect.
Change your mindset your heartset and improve your spirtuality then it will impact your physical body including the things you want to change.Others are focusing on the fruits but not on the roots.Fruit is just the effect of the roots.Your accomplishment or your status right now is just an effect but what is the cause?Your inner world.Your beliefs,that impact your emotions that leads to Action which  act as a bridge to Reality or result.

Control your thoughts by watching podcast content that features SUCCESS stories.Study successful
people.Their habit their principle and work ethics.

Don't blame the economy,the traffic,your parents ,the weather,your workmate but  take full responsiblity for the things that happened to you.Successful peopl don't blame anything or the economy for if they are already Successful they create their own economy.

Forgive everybody and your self for all the things that does'nt work out.Release that hatred,any bad emotion against your fellow.You must be at peace always ,replace anger with Love ,Hope and Faith.You cannot climb the peak of a mountain carrying these baggages of trash let it go, release it. Then when you are at peace everything is at ease.You are ready to soar high!.And go beyond your limits.For you are your own limit not the sky.You are limitless only the limit you put in your own thinking.

New Powerful Habit 
Start Waking up Early, and be Grateful give thanks pray to the Lord, drink warm glass of water first take a bath,meditate and exercise.Do not touch or even look to your phone for messages or any social account or emails leave it until you finish this new morning routine.

If you win the morning you win the Day!
Why Early? The average successful people in the world wake up at 4 am. Because the morning the best time to create your whole day.And you are ahead against other.By conditioning your Mind ,Body and Spirit on that solitude when others are sleeping you are starting, grinding and creating.
The morning the the very best time where in your subconscious mind is very active your creative mind your habit mind .You can meditate and visualize good things happening already.And new ideas comming.Connecting with the Higher Source on that moment with God.Being grateful and asking Him for wisdom and  provision.

Plan the day for daily progress in your craft.Make a list of task to be accomplished.
Be a student always and master one craft or niche that will make you financially free.By hour and hour of beating ,studying it.It will take 10,000 hours to master one skill.Have direct or indirect mentors that already who has already achieve your goal.Study them.Have patience,commitment,strong burning desire that not making it is unacceptable, do it as your life depends on it.No retreat burn everything behind that pull you from backing up.No excuses only RESULT.Don't be complacent and thinking that you are always have a lot of time.Go after it as if there is no tomorrow.What we have is today and now.
Focus on the now!

Develop a Sense of Urgency don't be complacent on your small achievements.Yes you can celebrate but get on track immidiately to push more.Anything can happen.A shutdown or lockdown no jobs,disaster and lack or  limited opportunity may occur.But If you are fast enough to develop instantly a good source of income without depending on employment or other people then that's it.You are ahead and ready than others.Be like an Ant they gather food on summer store more and more for the preparation of the rainy days or winter.

Give Thanks in all Circumstances,There is a valuable lesson behind it.
Always think positive no matter what,every day be grateful for all the things you have and be hopefull for the things that will come.Appreciate your clear eye vision for there are people who are blind and only their dream is to have a vision.You have already that.Be thankful for little things in life.For if you are always grateful for anything The Lord is pleased on you.And He will bless you  with more think of that. If you give 2 candies on a 2 kids.The one is very happy and thankful to you and the other one is not,murmuring, complaining and want chocolate instead.Question?..The next time you have things to give, to whom  you will give it? Ofcourse to the grateful one kid.! 

So always and always be thankful......Gratitude is the best attitude you must practice and make it a habit.

Become better that you were before,not comparing your self to others.Do more than what you are paid for exceed your service to others.Do 120% of your ability paid or unpaid.
Take full responsibility of your Success.Stop blaming,complaining,murmuring but response calm and listen to your companion or partner first and be the last one to speak.

Always say these to yourself everyday I am responsible for the things in my life.I am blessed with great vision,ideas and creativity, I am capable,I am learning and growing,I am patient, motivated,persistent,commited.I am strong ,healthy and full of vitality.I am thankful, I am complete I have the favor of the Lord and I am  truly amazing.

Don't be conformed by the things of this world but be transform by renewing of your mind.
I will repeat this again that have a Mind that is open for everything but attached to Nothing.
We came here without nothing and leave without nothing.We are divine Spirit.
See yourself daily having those ablities ,see yourself a great Man.That is self Image.As you see yourself in the Mirror.Say it always that I am Great and Amazing!

IF you commit even a simple mistake,don't beat your self but tell your self like this.I am learning and growing I'm improving.

Fail Forward
When failure comes.See it as a progress to push forward and things to avoid next time not to do it again.Fail more and fail fast.That's way to progress nothing else.So embrace failure it is the best recipe for Success.Every disappoinment is stepping stones for succedding.Move forward and failure is an event not a person .So you need to separate of who you are from what happen to you.Keep going it's not what happen to you that matters it is what you DO about it.In life it's only 10% what happen to you and 90% is how you response.Failure makes you stronger, smarter,wiser and better.

If other partners or people in your life betrayed you.Let them go away it only means that they don't deserve you .You don't need them and better ones will come.Acceptance that wrong people will go away and right one will come.It is hard but it's a part of the weeding process to improve your garden as analogy.You need prunning cutting unnecessary branches to make you more productive and fruitful.

Pursue your Dreams.Because people without dreams perish.If you don't have, just Close your eyes and imagine the good things you want in your life for the your future. For imagination is better than knowledge imagination encircle the world.Imagination is everything it is the preview of Life next coming attraction..You only need to work for it.For God gave us trees not table and chair.He has given us the ability to THINK ,so use it.

Progress and progress is the way to happiness and fullfillment.If you are not growing you are dying.Just like plants if they are not growing they are dying.Constant and unending improvement is a must to fullfillment of life.Many people have already riches on their life but became stagnant ,complacent and satisfied.But miserable,suicidal ,lonely,unfullfilled what is that? They stop learning and growing.It's not about just being content.But being content means fulfilled life.It is continues growth on your personality as whole your mind,emotion,body and spirit.We need continous growth.It's a cycle.So don't stop just like nature.Day and Night.Water continues its cycle the Sun ,Moon and the entire universe it is in harmony so as we.

You are Creator of your own life!You have the image of the Greatest Creator the Lord.Then
you have the ability to create also.By your thoughts.

After you've done your way just sit down and Let it go and let GOD..
Blessings flow in the area where there is no worries...
God is the source of all supplies...just trust.

IF you inherited good character from your earthy father
How much more from your HEAVENLY FATHER?

Live your Dreams......

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       See you FULLFILLED,



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