

Welcome to my Blog...

Hi there.. I'm Will , the author of this blog."Welcome my Friend" it's a pleasure for me to know that you try to explore here, it only means that you are willing to learn new things and discover new ideas.By the way this Blog site is categorized into three portions.First is that regarding of my personal Arts which is Portraits,Spray Painting and Scrap arts collection,.Second is all about Personal Development and Philosophy. And the Special part  is that Nourishing your Spiritual Life.

My purpose of making these is to share ideas,skills and help others like you to step up into an unusual paradigm of thinking in  terms of arts,financial matters,life's principles and most of all in Spirituality.And  the center of all these is seeing JESUS as the only way to life's reality.

AS He said: " I am the way the truth and the life".

Helping others makes life more fulfilling .We are living each day to live our passion, being hopeful,lifting others up and letting go of the ashes things before and keep moving ahead.
" LIFE IS TOO SHORT to consume by this world and Not knowing the Grace of God has for you"and life is unpredictable,you are here today and you are gone today...that's the reality.And not knowing that still we are eternal that life doesn't end on this earth. As the world expect and many loses their hope.Our life here is just a drop compare to an Ocean.There is eternity, a life God want us to live with.So question, are you saved?.and what dreams?what idea?what skills or potential will die with you?You have potential that you only need to explore ,share and make a difference to people around you..Ignite it!For there's  greatness within you .You are not lacking and you're living for a great purpose,seek for it. 
So go ahead  feel free and learn new things..

And if you are not willing to learn no one can help you,But if you are determined to learn no one can stop you"

Friend, I want to stop talking about me and start talking about you.  I want you to experience the same thing in your life.And discover the hidden core gift God has in stored  inside you,yes you have it!  and the key is to change your beliefs or renewing of your mind. because LIFE doesn't get better by CHANCE but it gets better by CHANGE.

Your CONDITION right now will not define your DESTINY its your DECISION..

You can make a difference in the Life of many thru sharing God's Grace the finished work of Christ.

Rest on Him,
There is no Passion to be found playing small and settling for less than you are capable of living...
_YOu become what you think about_

Your brother in Christ;

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