Friday, March 17, 2023


 The Pass over 

Moses left their meeting by warning the Pharaoh that the final plague would be the most devastating of all. He informed the Pharaoh that, at midnight, God would pass over the land of Egypt, and kill the firstborn of both humans and animals

Only the Israelite children would be allowed to survive this plague.By putting blood of the slaughter lamb on their door post as a sign that death will passover on them.

That blood from the pure lamb represent or sign of salvation from death.Same blood comes from the pure sinless lamb of God Jesus gives salvation from death of humanity because of sin.

Final plague killed all the first born of Egypt including Pharaoh's son.That finally made Him decide to free all the people of God out of slavery.

At that night which is  their Last night in Egypt the people of Israel partook the roasted lamb  and they ate together while the pass over is happening or when the Angel  bypassing each home of the Israelites with a blood on the door post.Same as the Last supper  which is the  last night of Jesus together with all His disciple.HE took bread and broke it  together with cup of wine and gave to them in remembrance of Him.


When the people of Israel was in troubled,they were bitten by the snakes on their campsite due to their rebellion against God.But still God provides healing on them.By looking up to the bronze snake lifted up by Moses on a pole so that many will see it then they will be healed.

Human Righteousness and God Righteousness

Human effort or the Law by striking the Rock comes water

God finished work or His GRACE ,by receiving and confessing that Jesus is Lord
and our saviour comes living water.

But,Moses disobeyed Gods command.He did not speak to the rock insted He strike it again.But still the rock provides water.
In that disobedience of Moses limits Him to enter to the promise Land that God promised to them.He just saw it from the top of the Mountain and from there He died.As the Lord's will to Him.


Noah and his family enter into the door of the ark that result to salvation and the Lord shut him in.


Abram sacrifice His only Son, Isaac
but the Lord himself provides a Lamb.

JESUS as the true Lamb of God which is the perfect sacrifice
that takes away the sin of the world

First Man creation was failed,but still Gods Mercy prevails..
By the fall of one man Adam comes Sin that causes separation from God and result to sickness and death.

Last Adam was JESUS
By the obedience of one man Jesus draws humanity near to God and received forgiveness and LIFE.


JESUS resurrection AS JONAH WAS IN 3 DAYS IN  whale's belly  

JONAH was 3 days inside of the great fish belly.God spared His life inspite of His disobedience.
God told Jonah to preach to the people of Niniveh but Jonah don't like it.He want God to punish the people there not to saved them.So Jonah turn the opposite direction far away from Niniveh riding a boat but a Huge storm came by and almost the whole boat destroyed.And Jonah admitted His mistake that He is the one who causes all these chaos.So He voluntarily throw himself into the ocean so that his companion inside the boat will be at peace.And He did jumped out of the water.But the GRACE of God prevails on HIm. He was swallowed by a great Whale and stayed on its belly for three days and spit off the into the the shore 3days after.Then He realized it all that He must obeyed God.

JONAH the prophet

JESUS son of Man

Thomas believed in Jesus as he saw Him after resurrection.
but Jesus said:

Thomas answered:

To God all be the Glory!

Your brother in Christ,


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